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Why Do I Need SEO? | One Key Marketing
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One Key Marketing | Why Do I Need SEO?
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Why Do I Need SEO?

Reach & Engage With MORE Customers by BOOSTING Your Business Visibility


Why do YOU NEED One Key Marketing services RIGHT NOW?


FACT #1: YOU Need To Get Found…

The internet has changed the way YOUR customers AND future customers find and locate YOUR business. Traditional media such as Yellow Pages and the phone book are all but redundant. 66% of people now use online ‘Local Directories’ such as Yahoo Places & Google Places to find businesses in their local area.


SOLUTIONYou need to be listed in key local directories such as Google & Yahoo.


FACT #2: You NEED Instant Communication … Instant Results!

Imagine being able to instantly send a text message and within the hour have customers arriving at your venue. SMS (text messaging) really is that powerful. Until now you had to plan your promotions and special offers in advance. Not any more, hit a quiet period and simply text a special offer … within the hour your card machine & cash register are ringing in the profits!


SOLUTION: Embrace the power of SMS which offers an instant & dynamic low cost medium for alerting customers of your special offers & promotions.


 Give it a try … scan the QR code to the left or text


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FACT #3: YOU Need To Be Accessible…

2013 is predicted as being the year mobile phone browsing will EXCEED that of PC desktop based browsing. Already a growing percentage of YOURpotential buyers CANNOT view and purchase from your website unless it is enabled for mobile browsing. This is set to grow steadily through out 2011-2012.


SOLUTION: You need a mobile enabled website.


FACT #4: YOU Need To Be Where YOUR Customers Hang Out…

Facebook now has OVER 750 million ACTIVE users, which equates to 1 in 8 people on earth socially interacting on Facebook on a daily basis. Of these 50% will login to Facebook EACH & EVERY day! Facebook is where YOUR existing & future CUSTOMERS hang out…


SOLUTIONYou need a Facebook FanPage.


FACT #5: YOU Need To Manage The Social Media For YOUR Business…

YOUR customers now spend an HOUR PER DAY on social media networks … Social Media is the biggest shift since the ‘Industrial Revolution’.


SOLUTION: You need professionals who can manage the Social Media Marketing for YOUR Business.


Request a Zero Obligation, FREE Business Survey…

At One Key Marketing we offer FREE surveys of your business to highlight existing short falls and spot major opportunities.


Our zero obligation surveys will enable us to highlight existing short falls and spot major opportunities where we can HELP YOU adopt cutting-edge systems and strategies which will drive more paying customers to your door and grow YOUR business.


One of our experienced Account Executives will be assigned to you. Your Account Executive will conduct the initial survey, which is then passed to our team of developers for further assessment.


We work closely with you to carry out marketing strategies to fit your goals and needs.